1 Chronicles 29:3 "Moreover, because I have set my affection on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, OVER AND ABOVE all that I have prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure of gold and silver:"
Victory Life KY is excited to announce our "Over & Above" building project. This project will enhance and update the church's exterior to create a more welcoming environment for you and the community.
We are calling it "Over & Above" because when we look at the examples of God's temple being built it was only with the best materials and with the best craftsman.
Here at Victory Life KY we will go OVER & ABOVE for God
OVER & ABOVE in our Worship
OVER & ABOVE in our Serving
OVER & ABOVE in our Giving
OVER & ABOVE in our Unity
OVER & ABOVE in our Mission & Purpose
He is the God of more than enough and He deserves OVER & ABOVE anything we can give Him!
Stay tuned for updates on the progress of this exciting project!